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Sault Tribe’s Enrollment opens Feb. 1, 2024

The Sault Tribe Board of Directors passed a resolution to open the rolls at its Aug. 1, 2023, board meeting. The rolls will open Feb. 1, 2024, and remain open until the Board of Directors closes the rolls.

To be eligible for membership with the Sault Tribe, applicants must meet the criteria as outlined in the tribe’s membership ordinance. (Tribal Code Chapter 11 can be read at www.saulttribe.com/government/tribal-code.)

To apply for membership, applicants must complete the application for enrollment. A $25 processing fee will be charged that can be paid by money order or credit card (Visa, Mastercard or Discover). Applicants must submit copies of documents of their direct lineal descendants, starting with the applicant, then their Native parent(s), grandparent(s), and so forth, until they reach the descendant who is listed on one of the base rolls Enrollment uses to determine membership.

An enrolled relative can sign a release form to allow the applicant access to the documentation in the relative’s file to complete the applicant’s application.

The Tribal Registrar has the right to deny any or all copied documentation. Applicants may be asked to submit an original document to complete their file. All originals are copied at the Enrollment office and returned to the applicant.

Once applicants have their application, documents and fee ready, they can mail it to the Enrollment Department at P.O. Box 1628, Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783. They can also drop it off in person at the Enrollment office, 2076 Shunk Rd. in Sault Ste. Marie. Enrollment needs the original application with the actual signature, so please do not email applications or documents unless asked to do so. Please allow 6 months, or longer for processing. It could take longer depending on the number of applications that come in.

Please call Enrollment office for assistance or any forms mailed to you.

No applications processed before Feb. 1, 2024. Please do NOT apply until that time.

2024 Adult Enrollment Application

Release of Information form

The Sault Tribe Enrollment Department is open Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. We are closed for all major holidays and occasionally due to unforeseen circumstances. If you are traveling to our office from out of town, always call ahead of time to ensure we will be open during your visit to Sault Ste. Marie.

AS OF DEC. 1, 2022, WE WILL NO LONGER ACCEPT CASH AS PAYMENT FOR ANY TRANSACTIONS. Acceptable forms of payment are: Visa, Mastercard, Discover or Money Orders. No personal checks.

To change your mailing address, please email the following information to Stacey Synett at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (you can also send by mail or fax):
Full name
Date of Birth
Current mailing address
Phone number

To renew your card via email or to check the status of your adult application, please send the following info to Selina Smith at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.:
Full Name
Date of Birth
Current Mailing Address
Phone number
Credit Card Number and Expiration Date (the fee is $5 per tribal ID card). We accept Visa, Mastercard or Discover.

If you are unable to email or are not comfortable doing so, you can send a money order to Sault Tribe Enrollment, PO Box 1628, Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783. (Sorry, no personal checks or cash.) You can also call our office and pay over the phone with credit/debit.

Blood Quantum Certification or Tuition Waiver Certification
For Blood Quantum Certification or Tuition Waiver Certification, please email Sherri Bloomfield (please note the information below) at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Request for Blood Degree Form

As of Jan. 19, 2024, and until further notice, the Enrollment Department will no longer process requests for Blood Quantum Certifications unless they are for health or educational purposes. Please submit the request form along with your proof of needing the certification and the $15 processing fee. If you have any questions, please contact our office.

Request for Blood Degree Form

To enroll your minor child(ren), please download the application here. The tribal parent must complete the application and will need to submit it with the child’s courthouse birth certificate. Please allow up to 4 weeks for processing. You may fax or mail the application and documents or email to Carrie Sayles at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. (Fax Number: 906‑632‑1648)

Enrollment Application


About Us

The Enrollment Department was established in the early 1950s. It was the tribe’s first membership service program. The department was formed to document membership so the tribe could petition the United States government for federal recognition. Since then, the tribe has grown to nearly 40,000 members across the world.

The Enrollment Department, which oversees the tribal member enrollment and maintains its database, offers tribal member services: tribal membership cards, tuition waiver certifications, blood quantum certifications, relinquishment requests, enrollment of children, update address changes, assist in the process of obtaining a treaty fishing license, family genealogy, eagle feather permits and form BIA-4432 (indian preference forms).

In February 1998, the membership rolls for the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe closed to all adults.

The biological minor children of full bonifide members are still being enrolled. To enroll a minor child, at least one biological parent must be enrolled with the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe as a full bonifide member. The enrolled tribal parent must fill out an enrollment application and submit a copy of the child’s courthouse birth certificate (or state copy). Enrollment does not accept hospital birth records. The information can then be mailed, e-mailed, faxed or brought to the Enrollment Department. Please allow one to two weeks for the child’s tribal card to arrive in the mail. There is no fee to enroll the minor children under the age of 18.

In 2011, the Tribal Membership Ordinance was amended to include applications for persons who were unable to trace ancestry due to sealed child custody records, unrecognized paternity, or out-of-home placements. These applicants must still be able to trace their ancestry pursuant to Section 11.106 of the Membership Ordinance. These applications are subject to a $25 non-refundable application fee.

On November 4, 2014, the Tribal Membership Ordinance was amended to allow biological children of full bona fide members under the age of 21 to apply for membership. Applicants that are over 18 and under the age of 21 must fill out the enrollment application. These applicants are subject to the $25 non refundable application fee. Applicants in this category will be required to furnish the documentation proving their Native Ancestry. An enrolled relative can sign a release form to allow the applicant access to the documentation in their file to complete the applicant's application. Please contact the Enrollment Department for more information or to have an application mailed to you.


  • Card Renewal for Expired Card: $5
  • Replacement of Unexpired Card: $20
  • Tuition Waiver Certification: $15
  • Blood Quantum Certification: $15
  • Copy of File Documentation: $5

Forms of payment

  • Money orders (made out to Sault Tribe Enrollment) or Credit/Debit card (Discover, Master Card, VISA). Sorry, no personal checks. No cash.

Contact Us

The Enrollment Building is now located on the Sault Ste. Marie Reservation, in front of the Kewadin Casino and Hotel.

A Guide to Tracing Your Ancestry

Sault Tribe Enrollment Department
PO Box 1628
2076 Shunk Rd
Sault Ste Marie, MI 49783

Phone: 800‑251‑6597
FAX:     906‑632‑1648

Enrollment Office 2023

© 2025 - Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians. All Rights Reserved.

Photo by Ken Bosma / CC BY