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About ARC

The Advocacy Resource Center (ARC) is a direct service program that provides voluntary assistance and support to victims / survivors and their children regardless of law enforcement involvement or length of time since the assault, abuse and / or crime.


The ARC provides services to not only victims / survivors and their children, but also to family members or friends needing information about how to support a victim / survivor in their life. ARC Core Victim Services include the following:

Core Advocacy:

  • Crisis intervention and brief counseling
  • Emotional support
  • Safety plan development and follow up
  • Case management support and assistance
  • Information and referral to available community resources which may include financial assistance, food assistance, rent / housing assistance, utility assistance, clothing assistance, behavioral health services, medical services, traditional medicine services, substance abuse services, and child care assistance. Victims are referred to both tribal and community programs depending upon individual program eligibility requirements and victim consent to the referral.
  • Transportation assistance to attend medical / counseling appointments, locating housing / employment, and / or attend court hearings
  • Provide education about dynamics of domestic violence, family violence, sexual assault, dating violence and stalking on the victim, the family and the community.

Emergency Legal Advocacy:

  • Explain and assist with completing and filing a request for a Personal Protection Order (PPO) in Tribal and State Courts [Domestic and Non-Domestic]
  • PPO court hearing accompaniment

Criminal Justice Advocacy:

  • Explain crime victim rights under Federal, State and Tribal laws
  • Explain and assist with establishing notification when offender is released from jail
  • Liaison between the victim / survivor and Law Enforcement and / or Prosecutor
  • Explain and assist with completing and submitting crime victim impact statements
  • Information about Tribal, State and Federal Court criminal processes
  • Provide notification of upcoming hearing dates and times
  • Explain and assist with Court hearing safety plans
  • Provide transportation assistance to Tribal, State, and Federal Court hearings and / or meetings with law enforcement and / or prosecutors
  • Tribal, State and Federal Court hearing accompaniment
  • Explain and assist with completing and submitting a crime victim statement for sentencing and / or post sentencing hearings

Crime Victim Compensation Assistance:

  • Provide information about available compensation programs and eligibility criteria
  • Provide assistance with completion of compensation applications, submission, and follow up monitoring of application

Additionally, the ARC maintains a 24 hour emergency pager for use by both victims and law enforcement seeking support when the ARC business office is closed.


The ARC provides prevention and outreach services through collaborative community awareness outreach events, educational presentations, and through individual and group education services.


The ARC’s “Aakdehewin Gaamig – Lodge of Bravery (LOB)” is a 16-bed temporary emergency shelter for all victims of domestic and dating violence and their children. The LOB is staffed 24 hours a day and 365 days a year to ensure immediate entry for those seeking safety from violence.


The ARC funds a Clinical Social Worker located in the Behavioral Health program that provides outpatient therapy to Sault Tribe victims of sexual abuse / sexual assault.

Contact Information

Toll Free 877‑639‑7820

© 2025 - Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians. All Rights Reserved.

Photo by Ken Bosma / CC BY