Quick Access

This program is open to all residents of Chippewa County who have not completed high school and are at least 18 years of age.

The Sault Tribe has a collaborative agreement with Consolidated Community School Services so adult learners can attend free General Educational Development (GED) preparation classes. Costs for GED testing, study materials and classroom supplies are provided at no cost to Sault Tribe members. (However, there may be a small fee associated with re-testing. The fee may cost around $37.50 per subject.) Adult students are also provided educational consultation, resumé writing and referral assistance for higher education.

Did You Know?
The GED was developed in 1942 at the request of the U.S. Armed Forces Institute. The purpose was to give those who fought in World War II before completing high school a way to demonstrate their knowledge and get civilian jobs after the war. Over 15 million people have earned a GED since then.

The GED test is designed so that over one-third of all graduating high school seniors would not pass. Previously, the test involved recalling general facts. Now, the emphasis is on socially-relevant topics and problem-solving skills.

GED graduates are eligible to receive Pell grants and other types of financial aid. One in 20 college freshman earned a GED rather than a high school diploma.

Famous people who have earned a GED include Wendy’s founder Dave Thomas, Bill Cosby, Michael J. Fox, Danica Patrick, Jerry Garcia, Chris Rock, Peter Jennings, and former U.S. Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell.

For more information email Tanya Pages, Adult Education Coordinator, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Or, contact Consolidated Community Schools main office for all program locations, dates and times at 906‑495‑7305.

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Photo by Ken Bosma / CC BY