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Adoption and Foster Care Promotion and Recruitment Services are services and activities designed to increase the number of Sault Tribe families available to provide temporary foster care placements or long term adoptive placements for children serviced by the Sault Tribe Binogii Placement Agency.

The majority of families licensed by the agency are relative providers. The agency works diligently with relative caregivers to assist them to access financial resources. The agency also provides adoptive home studies to primarily relative families.

An ongoing need for the agency is to recruit non-relative Native American homes to allow the agency to have increased access to homes that fall within the Sault Tribe priority of placement. Although the agency is able to recruit families and license Sault Tribe homes, many times these homes end up adopting the children in their care, which creates a need for new homes.

The agency is able to provide these services to relatives and tribal members free of charge. Sault Tribe Binogii Placement Agency accesses alternative funding to defray these fees and costs.

The Sault Tribe Binogii Placement Agency conducts quarterly recruitment meetings in all service areas. ACFS staff is active in conducting presentations at various meetings, and providing information at fairs and booths to recruit foster and adoptive families. Information packets are given to any one inquiring about becoming a foster or adoptive family. Advertisements are routinely placed in the Sault Tribe’s newspaper.

November of every year has been designated “Foster Parent Appreciation” month and extensive promotion of foster parenting is undertaken. Some activities include articles in the tribal newspaper, ongoing public service announcements, flyers, paycheck inserts, and distribution of brochures.

ACFS, through the Sault Tribe Binogii Placement Agency, holds a child placement license with the state of Michigan. This allows the agency to license foster homes and relative placements located off the reservation via the Michigan Bureau of Children and Adult Licensing. As a matter of best practice, the agency uses the same standards of licensing for all homes whether they are issued a tribal license or a state license.

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For more information about child placement, please visit:

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Photo by Ken Bosma / CC BY