Quick Access

The Sault Tribe Board of Directors and Chairman Austin Lowes met today in a workshop with the intent to approve an all team member pay plan aligned with up-to-date compensation studies. After spending several hours in workshop this afternoon discussing how to proceed, the board canceled the special meeting called for today, Nov. 13, and decided to direct a more closely aligned collaboration across casino, enterprise and governmental divisions in order to ensure comparables and pay equity.  In preparation, the board engaged several external compensation consultants to bring forward recommendations. However, these different studies need to be reviewed across casino, enterprise and governmental divisions of the tribe. The board is resolved to set a short timeframe by which this review will be done before the end of 2024. We apologize for any inconvenience on behalf of our valued team members to the delay. You are the engine that drives our tribe and we appreciate your patience.

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Photo by Ken Bosma / CC BY