SAULT STE. MARIE, Mich. —The Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians Board of Directors will hold a regular meeting beginning at 5 p.m. on March 19 at the Kewadin Casino in Sault Ste. Marie, in person or via Zoom,
“Membership Participation” will be held at 5 p.m. in person or by virtual attendance. The link is available Sault Tribe website under membership assistance for the meeting link and Membership Form that must be completed. The deadline to submit a form is 1 p.m. on meeting day. The link is Those who have already registered for Zoom meetings need not register again unless they have a matter for the board.
To attend the scheduled workshop, except for closed session or items, go to Those who have already registered to Zoom Board of Directors meetings need not register for workshops.
On the agenda under Resolutions is: ACFS – LIHEAP FY24 Budget Modification, ACFS – USDA FY24 Budget Modification, Health Division Nutrition/3rd Party FY24 Budget Modification, Health Division Veteran’s Services Establish FY24 Budget and 3rd Party Revenue FY24 Budget Modification, Continuing Funding Authority for FY24 Sault Medical/Nursing, Continuing Funding Authority for FY25 Schedule A, Authorize Family Violence Prevention & Services Application, Authorize Tribal Victim Services Set-Aside Application, Waiver of Sovereign Immunity & Consent to Waiver of Tribal Court Jurisdiction Valokuva LLC, Acceptance of the Bid for Gladstone Tribal Health Center, Committing Long Term 2% to Rudyard High School Pool, Accepting Tribal Hub’s Recommendation for MIS Structure, and Implementation of Blue Stone Recommendations for Health.
Under New Business, the board will consider: Small Mesh Permit Request, Committee Resignation, and Board Concerns.