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canoeNaadin Eshpendaagwak (to get back what is sacred)

Repatriation & Historic Preservation is responsible for representing our tribe on issues concerning the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), which includes the return of Ancestral remains as well as sacred items and items of cultural patrimony removed from our homelands, past and present. The department also deals with present day inadvertent discovery of Ancestral remains and sacred or traditional cultural properties taken from the tribe during construction projects.

Repatriation & Historic Preservation handles other applicable laws as well, such as the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), the Archaeological Resource Protection Act (ARPA), the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA), and other lesser known applicable laws. Additionally, this department addresses the tribe’s policy concerning gravesites and their protection, working with all branches of government: tribal, federal, state and local.

The Repatriation & Historic Preservation Department includes the Repatriation & Historic Preservation Specialist and the Niigaanagiizhik Maintenance Technician. Additionally, there is an Elder Advisor for all NAGPRA related matters.

For NAPGRA and cultural resources management concerns contact Emma Donmyer at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 906‑635‑6510, ext. 26479.




Emma Donmyer
Repatriation & Historic Preservation Specialist
Phone: 906‑635‑6510, ext. 26479
Cell: 906‑203‑2171
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Joe Ailing
Niigaanagiizhik Maintenance Technician
Cell: 906‑203‑5521
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canoe water

Cultural RepatriationPage 1

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Photo by Ken Bosma / CC BY