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Wequayoc Cemetery Spring Clean-up & Potluck
Wequayoc Cemetery Spring Clean-up & Potluck
2354 E. Hwy M-134, Hessel, MI 49745
May 18, 2024, at 11 a.m.
Potluck at 12 p.m.
Needed: Rakes, trash bags, work gloves, and any other items for cleaning the graves and tidying up the general cemetery area. Please label items with your name to reduce chances of getting mixed up with others’ items.
Any questions or for more information, contact Russ Rickley, 906‑440‑5696, or Dell Powers, 906‑984‑2055.
2354 E. Hwy M-134, Hessel, MI 49745
May 18, 2024, at 11 a.m.
Potluck at 12 p.m.
Needed: Rakes, trash bags, work gloves, and any other items for cleaning the graves and tidying up the general cemetery area. Please label items with your name to reduce chances of getting mixed up with others’ items.
Any questions or for more information, contact Russ Rickley, 906‑440‑5696, or Dell Powers, 906‑984‑2055.
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